Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Surfing Dog on Currituck’s Outer Banks
Posted in Outer Banks, beach portraits, photography at 1:05 pm by Shelley Chamberlin
Last night I was in Corolla to photograph a really cool family, they were so much fun and VERY spontaneous, as you can see in the photos. When I thought I was done, one of the kids threw one of the other kids into the ocean, and before I knew it all the kids were getting very wet! It was fun and I got some cute shots of that.
Before I met with the family though, I was standing on the deck watching a surfer and his dog. The dog paddled out behind him, then climbed aboard the surfboard where he promptly laid down watching for a swell to come along, at which time he stood up and rode the wave in. Too cool, I can’t even get my dog to lay down and roll over!

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